Materials in this book are distributed under the terms of Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0


This book assumes some basic knowledge of Rust language. Please take a look at the official Rust book.

The accompanying codes and materials for this book are available in GitHub. To follow along, make sure you have

  • Rust toolchain installed

  • Cloned the repository

    git clone
    cd create-your-own-lang-with-rust
  • LLVM installed to run and test locally cargo test --tests

    • Easiest option is LLVM v14.0 (Debian/Ubuntu or macOS)
    • Otherwise, in Cargo.toml you'd need to change the inkwell = { ..., branch = "master", features = ["your-llvm-version"] } with LLVM version on your system (output of llvm-config --version)

Motivations and Goals

This book arises from my frustration of not finding modern, clear and concise teaching materials that are readily accessible to beginners like me who wants to learn a bit on how to create their own programming language.

The following are my guidelines

"If you don't know how compilers work, then you don't know how computers work" 1

"If you can’t explain something in simple terms, you don’t understand it" 2

Pedagogically, one of the most effective methods of teaching is co-creating interactively. Introducing the core aspects around the simplest example (here, our calculator language) helps a lot to build knowledge and confidence. For that, we will use mature technologies instead of spending tone of time on partially reinventing-the-wheel and bore the reader.

Here is the outline of the contents

  • Crash Course on Computing which we briefly set up the definitions and foundations
  • We create our first programming language Calc that supports simple integer addition and subtraction. The simplicity allows us to touch a lot of important topics. We will use PEG to define our grammar, pest to generate our CalcParser and explain what AST is and interpreting the AST means. Next, we will introduce JIT compilation and use inkwell to JIT compile our Calc language from its AST. To show an alternative compilation approach, we will create a Virtual Machine and a Runtime environment and discuss its features. Finally, we will write a simple REPL for our Calc language and test out different execution paths.
  • TODO: We will create Firstlang, a statically typed language, by gradually working our way up from our Calc
  • TODO: Object system and minimal object oriented programming support
  • TENTATIVE: Create a mini standard library
  • TODO: Resources


If you have found this book useful, please consider donating to any of the organizations below

Here is a bird's-eye view of a computer program execution


All these three components are intertwined together and learning their connections is crucial in understanding what makes Computing possible. Informally, a language is a structured text with syntax and semantics. A Source Code written in a programming language needs a translator/compiler of some sort, to translate it to another language/format. Then an executor of some sort, to execute/run the translated commands with the goal of matching the syntax (and semantics) to some form of output.

Elements of Computing

Instructions and the Machine Language

If you want to create a "computer" from scratch, you need to start by defining an abstract model for your computer. This abstract model is also referred to as Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) (instruction set or simply instructions). A CPU is an implementation of such ISA. A standard ISA defines its basic elements such as data types, register values, various hardware supports, I/O etc. and they all make up the lowest-level language of computing which is the Machine Language Instructions.

Instructions are comprised of instruction code (aka operation code, in short opcode or p-code) which are directly executed by CPU. An opcode can either have operand(s) or no operand. For example, in an 8-bits machine where instructions are 8-bits an opcode load might be defined by the 4-bits 0011 following by the second 4-bits as operand with 0101 that makes up the instruction 00110101 in the Machine Language while the opcode for incrementing by 1 of the previously loaded value could be defined by 1000 with no operand.

Since opcodes are like atoms of computing, they are presented in an opcode table. An example of that is Intel x86 opcode table.

Assembly Language

Since it's hard to remember the opcodes by their bit-patterns, we can assign abstract symbols to opcodes matching their operations by name. This way, we can create Assembly language from the Machine Language. In the previous Machine Language example above, 00110101 (means load the binary 0101), we can define the symbol LOAD referring to 0011 as a higher level abstraction so that 00110101 can be written as LOAD 0101.

The utility program that translates the Assembly language to Machine Language is called Assembler.



Compiler is any program that translates (maps, encodes) a language A to language B. Each compiler has two major components

  • Frontend: deals with mapping the source code string to a structured format called Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
  • Backend (code generator): translates the AST into the Bytecode / IR or Assembly

Most often, when we talk about compiler, we mean Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compiler where the translation happens before execution. Another form of translation is Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation where translation happens right at the time of the execution.

From the diagram above, to distinguish between a program that translates for example, Python to Assembly vs. Python to Java, the former is called compiler and the latter transpiler.

Relativity of low-level, high-level

Assembly is a high-level language compared to the Machine Language but is considered low-level when viewing it from C/C++/Rust. High-level and low-level are relative terms conveying the amount of abstractions involved.

Virtual Machine (VM)

Instructions are hardware and vendor specific. That is, an Intel CPU instructions are different from AMD CPU. A VM abstracts away details of the underlying hardware or operating system so that programs translated/compiled into the VM language becomes platform agnostic. A famous example is the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which translates/compiles Java programs to JVM language aka Java Bytecode. Therefore, if you have a valid Java Bytecode and Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in your system, you can execute the Bytecode, regardless on what platform it was compiled on.


Another technique to translate a source code to Machine Code, is emulating the Instruction Set with a new (human friendly) encoding (perhaps easier than assembly). Bytecode is such an intermediate language/representation which is lower-level than the actual programming language that has been translated from and higher-level than Assembly language.

Stack Machine

Stack Machine is a simple model for a computing machine with two main components

  • a memory (stack) array keeping the Bytecode instructions that supports pushing and poping instructions
  • an instruction pointer (IP) and stack pointer (SP) guiding which instruction was executed and what is next.

Intermediate Representation (IR)

Any representation that's between source code and (usually) Assembly language is considered an intermediate representation. Mainstream languages usually have more than one such representations and going from one IR to another IR is called lowering.

Code Generation

Code generation for a compiler is when the compiler converts an IR to some Machine Code. But it has a wider semantic too for example, when using Rust declarative macro via macro_rules! to automate some repetitive implementations, you're essentially generating codes (as well as expanding the syntax).


In conclusion, we want to settle one of the most frequently asked questions

Is Python (or a language X) Compiled or Interpreted?

This is in fact the WRONG question to ask!

Being AOT compiled, JIT compiled or interpreted is implementation-dependent. For example, the standard Python implementation is CPython which compiles a Python source code (in CPython VM) to CPython Bytecode (contents of .pyc) and interprets the Bytecode. However, another implementation of Python is PyPy which (more or less) compiles a Python source code (in PyPy VM) to PyPy Bytecode and JIT compiles the PyPy Bytecode to the Machine Code (and is usually faster than CPython interpreter).


Our first programming language is a simple calculator supporting addition and subtraction. This is perhaps the simplest language that helps us introducing the major topics from grammar to compilation and virtual machine.

If you haven't cloned the GitHub repo already, please do and navigate to the calculator subdirectory.

To start, we have 1 + 1; in examples/simple.calc where you can compile with

cargo build --bin main // create a simple executable for Calc
../target/debug/main examples/simple.calc

or simply

cargo run --bin main examples/simple.calc

Grammar-Lexer-Parser Pipeline

Here is a high-level view of a compiler frontend pipeline

grammar, lexer, parser

Every language needs a (formal) grammar to describe its syntax and semantics. Once a program adheres to the rules of the grammar in Source Code (for example as input string or file format), it is tokenized and then lexer adds some metadata to each token for example, where each token starts and finishes in the original source code. Lastly, parsing (reshaping or restructuring) of the lexed outputs to Abstract Syntax Tree.


While there are varieties of ways to define the grammar, in this book we will use the Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG).

Here is how our simple calculator language Calc (supporting addition and subtraction) grammar looks like in PEG

Program = _{ SOI ~ Expr ~ EOF }

Expr = { UnaryExpr | BinaryExpr | Term }

Term = _{Int | "(" ~ Expr ~ ")" }

UnaryExpr = { Operator ~ Term }

BinaryExpr = { Term ~ (Operator ~ Term)+ }

Operator = { "+" | "-" }

Int = @{ Operator? ~ ASCII_DIGIT+ }

WHITESPACE = _{ " " | "\t" }

EOF = _{ EOI | ";" }

Filename: calculator/src/grammar.pest

This grammar basically defines the syntax and semantics where

  • each Program consists of expressions (Expr)
  • expressions are either unary (-1) or binary (1 + 2)
  • unary or binary expressions are made of Term and Operator ("+" and "-")
  • the only atom is integer Int

Given our grammar, we will use pest which is a powerful parser generator of PEG grammars. (For more details on pest, checkout the pest book

pest derives the parser CalcParser::parse from our grammar

#[grammar = "grammar.pest"]
struct CalcParser;

Filename: calculator/src/

and does all the steps of the frontend pipeline that we mentioned so that we can start parsing any Calc source code (source: &str) via the Rules of our grammar

CalcParser::parse(Rule::Program, source)

Before doing that, we need to define our Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) in the next section.

Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

AST comes into picture when we want to go from the string representation of our program like "-1" or "1 + 2" to something more manageable and easier to work with. Since our program is not a random string (the grammar is for), we can use the structure within the expressions "-1" and "1 + 2" to our own advantage and come up with a new representation like a tree


One thing to note here is that the kinds of the nodes in our tree are not the same i.e. + node is different from 1 node. In fact, + has an Operator type and 1 is an integer Int type


so we define our AST nodes as

fn main() {
pub enum Operator {

pub enum Node {

Referring back to our grammar, we actually have different kinds of recursive expressions;

  • unary grammar
    UnaryExpr = { Operator ~ Term }
  • binary grammar
    BinaryExpr = { Term ~ (Operator ~ Term)* }

So for example, the expression "-1 + (2 + 3)" has this recursive structure


To include those into our AST to make it an actual tree data structure, we complete our AST definition as follows

fn main() {
pub enum Operator {

pub enum Node {
    UnaryExpr {
        op: Operator,
        child: Box<Node>,
    BinaryExpr {
        op: Operator,
        lhs: Box<Node>,
        rhs: Box<Node>,

Filename: calculator/src/

Now, we can use the pest generated CalcParser::parse to map the Rules of our Calc language string to our AST.

pub fn parse(source: &str) -> std::result::Result<Vec<Node>, pest::error::Error<Rule>> {
    let mut ast = vec![];
    let pairs = CalcParser::parse(Rule::Program, source)?;
    for pair in pairs {
        if let Rule::Expr = pair.as_rule() {

Checkout calculator/src/

Note that CalcParser::parse takes care of the AST traversal and correctly maps it to Vec<Node> for easier access in later stages of compilation.


CPU is the ultimate interpreter. That is, it executes opcodes as it goes. To do that, after we have changed the representation (aka lowered the representation) of our source code &str to AST Node, a basic interpreter looks at each node of the AST (via any tree traversal methods) and simply evaluates it recursively

    pub fn eval(&self, node: &Node) -> i32 {
        match node {
            Node::Int(n) => *n,
            Node::UnaryExpr { op, child } => {
                let child = self.eval(child);
                match op {
                    Operator::Plus => child,
                    Operator::Minus => -child,
            Node::BinaryExpr { op, lhs, rhs } => {
                let lhs_ret = self.eval(lhs);
                let rhs_ret = self.eval(rhs);

                match op {
                    Operator::Plus => lhs_ret + rhs_ret,
                    Operator::Minus => lhs_ret - rhs_ret,

To sum up, we define a Compile trait that we will use throughout this chapter

pub trait Compile {
    type Output;

    fn from_ast(ast: Vec<Node>) -> Self::Output;

    fn from_source(source: &str) -> Self::Output {
        println!("Compiling the source: {}", source);
        let ast: Vec<Node> = parser::parse(source).unwrap();
        println!("{:?}", ast);

and we can now implement our interpreter

pub struct Interpreter;

impl Compile for Interpreter {
    type Output = Result<i32>;

    fn from_ast(ast: Vec<Node>) -> Self::Output {
        let mut ret = 0i32;
        let evaluator = Eval::new();
        for node in ast {
            ret += evaluator.eval(&node);

Filename: calculator/src/compiler/

and test

assert_eq!(Interpreter::from_source("1 + 2").unwrap(), 3);

Run such tests locally with

cargo test interpreter --tests

Just-In-Time (JIT) Compiler with LLVM

JIT compilation is a combination of Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compilation and interpretation. As we saw previously, our Calc interpreter evaluates AST to values (actual integer i32 values) but a JIT compiler differs from an interpreter in what it outputs. Intuitively, JIT outputs are like AOT outputs but generated at runtime when traversing the AST.


LLVM (which is not an acronym) is a mature compiler backend (code generator) infrastructure powering many languages such as Clang, Rust, Swift, etc. It has its own IR and Virtual Machine Bytecode abstracting away the underlying platform-specific differences.

We will use inkwell which provides a safe Rust wrapper around LLVM.


Other code generators that you can use (see the exercises) in this book (not at mature as LLVM) are cratelift-simpljit and gcc-jit.



The code is available in calculator/examples/llvm/src/ Because my llvm-config --version shows 14.0.6 so I'm using features = ["llvm14-0"] in inkwell

inkwell = { git = "", branch = "master", features = ["llvm14-0"] }

Go to calculator/examples/llvm sub-crate and cargo run.

Add Function

We want to define an add function like

add(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 { x + y }

but using the LLVM language and JIT it. For that, we need to define every bit of what makes up a function through LLVM basic constructs such as context, module, function signature setups, argument types, basic block, etc.

Here is how to stitch our add function in LLVM

  1. We start by creating a context, adding the addition module and setting up the data type we want to use i32_type of type IntType
    let context = Context::create();
    let module = context.create_module("addition");
    let i32_type = context.i32_type();
  1. We define the signature of add(i32, i32) -> i32, add the function to our module, create a basic block entry point and a builder to add later parts

    let fn_type = i32_type.fn_type(&[i32_type.into(), i32_type.into()], false);
    let fn_val = module.add_function("add", fn_type, None);
    let entry_basic_block = context.append_basic_block(fn_val, "entry");

    let builder = context.create_builder();
  1. We create the arguments x and y and add them to the builder to make up the return instruction
    let x = fn_val.get_nth_param(0).unwrap().into_int_value();
    let y = fn_val.get_nth_param(1).unwrap().into_int_value();

    let ret = builder.build_int_add(x, y, "add").unwrap();
    let return_instruction = builder.build_return(Some(&ret)).unwrap();
  1. Finally, we create a JIT execution engine (with no optimization for now) and let LLVM handle rest of the work for us
    let execution_engine = module
    unsafe {
        type Addition = unsafe extern "C" fn(i32, i32) -> i32;
        let add: JitFunction<Addition> = execution_engine.get_function("add").unwrap();
        let x = 1;
        let y = 2;
        assert_eq!(, y), x + y);

Yes! all of this just to add two integers.

AST Traversal Patterns

Recall from the previous section that JITing our add function was very detailed and cumbersome to write. Fortunately, there are some useful patterns for traversing complicated ASTs (and IRs)

  • Builder pattern
  • Visitor pattern (Will be introduced in chapter 4)

Builder Pattern

Recall how we have interpreted our AST by traversing recursively and evaluating the nodes

struct Eval;

impl Eval {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
    pub fn eval(&self, node: &Node) -> i32 {
        match node {
            Node::Int(n) => *n,
            Node::UnaryExpr { op, child } => {
                let child = self.eval(child);
                match op {
                    Operator::Plus => child,
                    Operator::Minus => -child,
            Node::BinaryExpr { op, lhs, rhs } => {
                let lhs_ret = self.eval(lhs);
                let rhs_ret = self.eval(rhs);

                match op {
                    Operator::Plus => lhs_ret + rhs_ret,
                    Operator::Minus => lhs_ret - rhs_ret,

Filename: calculator/src/compiler/

but instead, we can take advantage of the inkwell Builder and recursively traverse our Calc AST as follows

struct RecursiveBuilder<'a> {
    i32_type: IntType<'a>,
    builder: &'a Builder<'a>,

impl<'a> RecursiveBuilder<'a> {
    pub fn new(i32_type: IntType<'a>, builder: &'a Builder) -> Self {
        Self { i32_type, builder }
    pub fn build(&self, ast: &Node) -> IntValue {
        match ast {
            Node::Int(n) => self.i32_type.const_int(*n as u64, true),
            Node::UnaryExpr { op, child } => {
                let child =;
                match op {
                    Operator::Minus => child.const_neg(),
                    Operator::Plus => child,
            Node::BinaryExpr { op, lhs, rhs } => {
                let left =;
                let right =;

                match op {
                    Operator::Plus => self
                        .build_int_add(left, right, "plus_temp")
                    Operator::Minus => self
                        .build_int_sub(left, right, "minus_temp")

and similar to our addition example, we can JIT the builder output

pub struct Jit;

impl Compile for Jit {
    type Output = Result<i32>;

    fn from_ast(ast: Vec<Node>) -> Self::Output {
        let context = Context::create();
        let module = context.create_module("calculator");

        let builder = context.create_builder();

        let execution_engine = module

        let i32_type = context.i32_type();
        let fn_type = i32_type.fn_type(&[], false);

        let function = module.add_function("jit", fn_type, None);
        let basic_block = context.append_basic_block(function, "entry");


        for node in ast {
            let recursive_builder = RecursiveBuilder::new(i32_type, &builder);
            let return_value =;
            let _ = builder.build_return(Some(&return_value));
            "Generated LLVM IR: {}",

        unsafe {
            let jit_function: JitFunction<JitFunc> = execution_engine.get_function("jit").unwrap();


Filename: calculator/src/compiler/

Finally, we can test it

assert_eq!(Jit::from_source("1 + 2").unwrap(), 3)

Run such tests locally with

cargo test jit --tests


To get most out of this chapter, it is recommended to at least try the first exercise below

  1. Add support for multiplication and division to the calculator and allow computations on floating numbers f32. Can you include standard operator precedence?
  2. JIT with cranelift-simplejit
  3. JIT with gcc-jit

Virtual Machine

Recall from the crash course that a (process) VM abstracts away hardware specific instructions so that its Bytecodes (abstract instructions) can be executed in any environment that has the Bytecode runtime support. So to create our VM and its runtime, we need to define our

  • Opcodes (new encoding atoms)
  • Bytecode representation and
  • Runtime model as Stack Machine


Since our expression based Calc language is made up of

  • constant integers
  • unary (plus, minus sign) operators and
  • binary (addition, subtraction) operators

we can define our new opcode encodings like

pub enum OpCode {
    OpConstant(u16), // pointer to constant table
    OpPop,           // pop is needed for execution

Filename: calculator/src/compiler/vm/

We choose the simplest form of encoding i.e. encoding the ops as bytes u8 (in hex format). That is,

        OpCode::OpConstant(arg) => make_three_byte_op(0x01, arg),
        OpCode::OpPop => vec![0x02],  // decimal repr is 2
        OpCode::OpAdd => vec![0x03],  // decimal repr is 3
        OpCode::OpSub => vec![0x04],  // decimal repr is 4
        OpCode::OpPlus => vec![0x0A], // decimal repr is 10
        OpCode::OpMinus => vec![0x0B], // decimal repr is 11

For easy of access, we store constant Node::Int(i32) nodes in a separate memory and OpConstant(arg) tracks these values. In a unary expression like "1", we encode Node::Int(1) as the opcode [1, 0, 0] as the first constant. (0x01 in decimal is 1).


We define

pub struct Bytecode {
    pub instructions: Vec<u8>,
    pub constants: Vec<Node>,

Filename: calculator/src/compiler/vm/

and pictorially, here is how "1 + 2" AST to Bytecode conversion would look like

ast bytecode

and in Rust

ByteCode {
    instructions: [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 2],
    constants: [Int(1), Int(2)]

Now, we can implement our Bytecode interpreter

pub struct Interpreter {
    bytecode: Bytecode,

impl Compile for Interpreter {
    type Output = Bytecode;

    fn from_ast(ast: Vec<Node>) -> Self::Output {
        let mut interpreter = Interpreter {
            bytecode: Bytecode::new(),
        for node in ast {
            println!("compiling node {:?}", node);
            // pop one element from the stack after
            // each expression statement to clean up

Filename: calculator/src/compiler/vm/


From previous example, our interpreter goes through the bytecode instructions and executes them.

Continuing our "1 + 2" Bytecode example,

instructions: [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1,   3,   2],
              -------- --------    -    -
                 |         |       |    |
constants: [  Int(1),   Int(2)]  OpAdd  OpPop

[1, 0, 0] points to the first element in constants table i.e. Int(1)
[1, 0, 1] points to Int(2)
[3] (or [0x03]) corresponding to the Opcode *OpAdd*, performs the addition operation Int(1 + 2)
[2] (or [0x02]) corresponding to the Opcode *OpPop* pops out the computed Bytecodes

and since we want to model our runtime as a Stack Machine so we define our VM as struct with Bytecode, stack memory (in Stack Machine) and a stack pointer to the next free space

const STACK_SIZE: usize = 512;

pub struct VM {
    bytecode: Bytecode,
    stack: [Node; STACK_SIZE],
    stack_ptr: usize, // points to the next free space

and with the help of instruction pointer (IP), we execute the Bytecodes as follows

    pub fn run(&mut self) {
        let mut ip = 0; // instruction pointer
        while ip < self.bytecode.instructions.len() {
            let inst_addr = ip;
            ip += 1;

            match self.bytecode.instructions[inst_addr] {
                0x01 => {
                    let const_idx = convert_two_u8s_to_usize(
                        self.bytecode.instructions[ip + 1],
                    ip += 2;
                0x02 => {
                0x03 => {
                    // OpAdd
                    match (self.pop(), self.pop()) {
                        (Node::Int(rhs), Node::Int(lhs)) => self.push(Node::Int(lhs + rhs)),
                        _ => panic!("Unknown types to OpAdd"),
                0x04 => {
                    // OpSub
                    match (self.pop(), self.pop()) {
                        (Node::Int(rhs), Node::Int(lhs)) => self.push(Node::Int(lhs - rhs)),
                        _ => panic!("Unknown types to OpSub"),
                0x0A => {
                    // OpPlus
                    match self.pop() {
                        Node::Int(num) => self.push(Node::Int(num)),
                        _ => panic!("Unknown arg type to OpPlus"),
                0x0B => {
                    // OpMinus
                    match self.pop() {
                        Node::Int(num) => self.push(Node::Int(-num)),
                        _ => panic!("Unknown arg type to OpMinus"),
                _ => panic!("Unknown instruction"),

    pub fn push(&mut self, node: Node) {
        self.stack[self.stack_ptr] = node;
        self.stack_ptr += 1; // ignoring the potential stack overflow

    pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Node {
        // ignoring the potential of stack underflow
        // cloning rather than mem::replace for easier testing
        let node = self.stack[self.stack_ptr - 1].clone();
        self.stack_ptr -= 1;

Filename: calculator/src/compiler/vm/

To examine the generated Bytecodes and run our VM, we can do

let byte_code = Interpreter::from_source(source);
println!("byte code: {:?}", byte_code);
let mut vm = VM::new(byte_code);;
println!("{}", vm.pop_last());

Run tests locally for our VM with

cargo test vm --tests

Checkout the next section on how to create a REPL for our Calc to compare different compilation paths.

Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL)

REPL (as its name implies) loops through every line of the input and compiles it. We use rustyline crate to create our REPL. For each line of input, we can optionally choose to

  • directly interpret the AST
  • JIT the AST
  • compile to our bytecode VM and interpret it
fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut rl = DefaultEditor::new()?;
    println!("Calculator prompt. Expressions are line evaluated.");
    loop {
        let readline = rl.readline(">> ");
        match readline {
            Ok(line) => {
                cfg_if! {
                    if #[cfg(any(feature = "jit", feature = "interpreter"))] {
                        match Engine::from_source(&line) {
                            Ok(result) => println!("{}", result),
                            Err(e) => eprintln!("{}", e),
                    else if #[cfg(feature = "vm")] {
                        let byte_code = Engine::from_source(&line);
                        println!("byte code: {:?}", byte_code);
                        let mut vm = VM::new(byte_code);
                        println!("{}", vm.pop_last());
            Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted) => {
            Err(ReadlineError::Eof) => {
            Err(err) => {
                println!("Error: {:?}", err);

Filename: calculator/src/bin/

Now, we can use run the REPL and choose different compilation path

cargo run --bin repl --features jit
// OR
cargo run --bin repl --features interpreter
// OR
cargo run --bin repl --features vm

In any of them, you should see the prompt like

Calculator prompt. Expressions are line evaluated.

waiting for your inputs. Here are some sample outputs of different compilation paths in debug mode.

  • with --features jit
Calculator prompt. Expressions are line evaluated.
>> 1 + 2
Compiling the source: 1 + 2
[BinaryExpr { op: Plus, lhs: Int(1), rhs: Int(2) }]
Generated LLVM IR: define i32 @jit() {
  ret i32 3

>> (1 + 2) - (8 - 10)
Compiling the source: (1 + 2) - (8 - 10)
[BinaryExpr { op: Minus, lhs: BinaryExpr { op: Plus, lhs: Int(1), rhs: Int(2) }, rhs: BinaryExpr { op: Minus, lhs: Int(8), rhs: Int(10) } }]
Generated LLVM IR: define i32 @jit() {
  ret i32 5

  • with --features vm
Calculator prompt. Expressions are line evaluated.
>> 1 + 2
Compiling the source: 1 + 2
[BinaryExpr { op: Plus, lhs: Int(1), rhs: Int(2) }]
compiling node BinaryExpr { op: Plus, lhs: Int(1), rhs: Int(2) }
added instructions [1, 0, 0] from opcode OpConstant(0)
added instructions [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1] from opcode OpConstant(1)
added instructions [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3] from opcode OpAdd
added instructions [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 2] from opcode OpPop
byte code: Bytecode { instructions: [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 2], constants: [Int(1), Int(2)] }
>> (1 + 2) - (8 - 10)
Compiling the source: (1 + 2) - (8 - 10)
[BinaryExpr { op: Minus, lhs: BinaryExpr { op: Plus, lhs: Int(1), rhs: Int(2) }, rhs: BinaryExpr { op: Minus, lhs: Int(8), rhs: Int(10) } }]
compiling node BinaryExpr { op: Minus, lhs: BinaryExpr { op: Plus, lhs: Int(1), rhs: Int(2) }, rhs: BinaryExpr { op: Minus, lhs: Int(8), rhs: Int(10) } }
added instructions [1, 0, 0] from opcode OpConstant(0)
added instructions [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1] from opcode OpConstant(1)
added instructions [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3] from opcode OpAdd
added instructions [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 2] from opcode OpConstant(2)
added instructions [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3] from opcode OpConstant(3)
added instructions [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 4] from opcode OpSub
added instructions [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 4] from opcode OpSub
added instructions [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 4, 2] from opcode OpPop
byte code: Bytecode { instructions: [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 4, 2], constants: [Int(1), Int(2), Int(8), Int(10)] }


This concludes our Calculator chapter. We took advantage of the simplicity of our Calc language to touch on a lot of topics.

Thanks for following along and reading up this far!

Stay tuned for the next chapter where we gradually work our way up to create a statically typed language named creatively as Firstlang :D